Maldives Manta Cleaning Station Video

Maldives Manta Cleaning Station Video


During our first dive on the fifth day of my trip to the Maldives aboard the M/V Carpe Vita, we head to a local manta cleaning station. The current was really moving that morning so we had to do a negative entry in to the water in order to get down fast enough and not miss the dive site. Getting down was a challenge as the current was ripping.  I’d guess somewhere around 30 miles per hour. It was by far the most current I’d ever been in and a bit nerve wracking. We finally made it to the bottom and all hooked in to whatever we could find to keep us from blowing away. Just as soon as we hooked in, the mantas started to line up. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was just like a car wash. The mantas would line up single file and wait to be cleaned. Each manta would stay for a minute or two and then fly off and swoop around to the back of the line. During the time we were there, six mantas came through the cleaning station. It was an amazing sight to see and I can’t wait to head back again.